How Can You Make this Holiday Season a Happy One?

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With October past us and November flying by, it's about time to start planning a budget for the Christmas season. Ideally, you created a budget at the beginning of the year and are already prepared for the holidays. Unfortunately, many of us have a tough time sticking to a budget as the year goes on, which often makes the Christmas season, and all the spending that comes with it, more stressful than it needs to be.

In order to get through the holidays in good spirits, you need to spend responsibly. Here are a few tips:
  • Start with a budget: Now is a good time to sit down and draw out a budget before the shopping season really begins. 
  • Separate needs from wants: It's natural to want to give fantastic gifts to those you love, but you should only do so within a sustainable budget. Make a list of who you need to spend money on, and how much you can afford to spend on each. 
  • Go in with someone else: If you want to give someone a large gift, see if friends or family want to go in on it together. This can achieve the same goal without having to foot an insurmountable bill. 
  • Don't buy all your gifts at once: Take your shopping one paycheck at a time. There's no reason to buy all your gifts at once - budget what you'll spend on gifts out of each paycheck.
  • Make it personal: If you can't spend a lot of money because of budget restrictions, add a personal touch to something smaller. For example, if you can only afford to purchase a gift card for a loved one, bake some cookies to add a thoughtful gesture to the gift.
We hope you find these strategies helpful. Of course, we're always here if you have questions about this topic, or if you would like assistance in keeping your finances in order this holiday season. Give us a call - we would love to help make your holiday season as stress-free as possible!