Get back on track with our Debt Management Program that helps you pay your debts by negotiating monthly payments to your creditors. Work your way back to credit health by contacting us today!
Over the last 34 years, it's been my pleasure to be the president and CEO of this fine company. During those years I've had a lot of excellent ladies and gentlemen work for me, who were great employees and even better counselors.
Part of our job here is to help families and individuals by teaching them better money habits, providing educational information, and helping them get out of debt. We've literally returned millions and millions of dollars back to the community on behalf of those hardworking families who have gone to their jobs every day and paid off their debt. We've provided educational programs and have had a great deal of success over the years.
I want to say a big THANKS to my staff and all the people who have worked for Consumer Credit Counseling in the past. The many long hours and the dedication these people have put into helping community families and to do the right things to help people improve their lives and make better economic sense of what they have to work with.
Most importantly, thanks to all of you who have worked with us in the past and continue to support us. It's because of you that we're able to continuing assisting people in our area.
Best wishes to you and your family this Thanksgiving season!