How Can You Manage Your Money Better When You're a Student?

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Whether you're an 18-year-old freshman or a 30-year-old looking to further your education, it can be difficult to manage your finances when attending college. This is a great time of year to sit down and take a look at your expenses and begin budgeting for the school year. Because college is an expensive endeavor, it's crucial you get your personal budget worked out before the hustle and bustle of school becomes overwhelming.

Here are some basic tips:
  • Know your credit situation: You should be well-aware of your available credit. Set a limit to what you're willing to charge to your credit card. Maxing out your card now will negatively affect your ability to get a loan in the future.
  • Know what books will cost: Books can be incredibly expensive - you need to budget accordingly.
  • Know your living/commuting expenses: Are you living off campus? Will you be spending money on gas or paying for public transportation? These are expenses you need to be aware of because they're a necessary part of going to school.

Attending college can make it difficult to keep your finances in line. Luckily, here at Consumer Credit Counselor Service, we have counselors who have worked with many students over the years. Our goal is to help you set up a flexible budget - one that works for you. It's crucial you stay out of credit trouble - but if you do need help, don't hesitate to call your parents, a credit counselor, or even your creditors to try to form a strategy to solve the problem. The worst thing you can do is set your credit problems aside and think you'll be able to fix them later.

Now is a great time to start learning some things about your money management habits. There are a lot of great apps out there you can download, or you can simply carry around a small notebook to record your expenses. Find out how you're spending money, add it all up at the end of the month, and determine whether you need everything you buy. Is there something you buy regularly that you don't really need? Making smarter spending decisions will help you get the best value for your hard-earned dollars.

If you are interested in getting help with your finances, don't hesitate to give us a call or stop by our website. We'd love to help make your life a little easier while you're in school!